for my grandmother in Puerto Rico
para mi abuela en Puerto Rico
A hurricane destroyed your sense of home
El huracán arrasa lo que amas.
and all you wanted was to pack your bags
Quieres viajar de noche, sin manera,
in dead of night, still waving mental flags,
sin maletas, izar mental bandera.
forgetting the nation is a syndrome.
Del mar llevas la espuma, panoramas
All that’s left of the sea in you is foam,
de una patria inasible y sus dolamas,
the coastline’s broken voice and all its crags.
voz ronca de disturbios mar afuera
You hear the governor admit some snags
inundando ciudades de salmuera.
were hit, nada, mere blips in the biome,
El gobernador vende melodramas
nothing that private equity can’t fix
para saciar al buitre inversionista;
once speculators pour into San Juan
le ora a San Ciprián y Santa Clara
to harvest bad seeds of an idea.
sabiendo que la isla se vacía.
She tells you Santa Clara in ’56
Dice tu abuela, y a primera vista,
had nothing on the brutal San Ciprián,
que el viento de la muerte no compara.
and yes, your abuela’s named María.
Ella que también se llama María.
Thoughts of Katrina and the Superdome,
Oh, sol de Nueva Orleans, ¡cómo derramas
el Caribe mapped with blood and sandbags,
sangre colonial en cualquier acera!
displaced, diasporic, Spanglish hashtags,
Hay diques y turistas dondequiera,
a phantom tab you keep on Google Chrome,
fantasmas de un Caribe en hologramas,
days of hunger and dreams of honeycomb.
hemisféretros. Ya sin más proclamas,
Are souls reborn or worn thin like old rags?
escupamos al dios de cabecera
The locust tree still stands although it sags,
(hashtag: #queelverdugoseaelquemuera).
austere sharks sequence the island’s genome,
Cotorras, ¡revoloteen las ramas
and parrots squawk survival politics
para que el bosque de voces resista!
whose only power grid is the damp dawn.
Tiburones austeros, ¡pongan cara
There’s no other way, no panacea.
de que al crucero le llego el día!
Throw stuff at empire’s walls and see what sticks
Se acabaron los memes de conquista,
or tear down the walls you were standing on?
Vivimos para que otro sol brillara,
Why not run that question by María?
revolución que nadie domaría.
Beyond the indigenous chromosome,
Pese a los ancestros que reclamas
your gut genealogy’s in chains and gags,
tu genealogía es prisionera:
paraded though the colonies’ main drags
cadenas, mordazas, lucha obrera,
and left to die. So when you write your tome,
cenizas de carbón sobre las camas.
please note: each word must be a catacomb,
El ácido vital que desparramas
must be a sepulcher and must be a
en una extraña especie de aporía
cradle in some sort of aporía
quema las joyas de tu fantasía.
where bodies draw on song as guns are drawn,
Cual h silenciosa de huracán,
resurgent, silent h in huracán.
tus muertos insurrectos gritarán
Your ache song booms ashore. Ashé, María.
quebranto y contracanto. Ashé, María.
Urayoán Noel (b. 1976) b. San Juan, Puerto Rico, and raised in Río Piedras. Earned BA in English from Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, and MA and PhD in Spanish from Stanford University and New York University, respectively. Publications include the poetry collections Kool Logic/La Lógica Kool (2005), Hi-Density Politics (2010), and Transversal (2021); the critical study In Visible Movement: Nuyorican Poetry from the Sixties to Slam (2014), winner of the LASA Latino Studies Book Award; and translations of the Chilean poet Pablo de Rokha, Architecture of Dispersed Life: Selected Poetry (2018). Currently associate professor of English and Spanish at New York University.