From September–October 2024 (Hispanic Heritage Month) through April 2025 (National Poetry Month), Latino Poetry: Places We Call Home will bring free public programs to thirty-two states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, including signature events in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, Dallas, New York City, and San Juan and Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. See below for more information and scroll down for a full calendar of events nationwide.
View a gallery of videos and photos from public events.
Dallas-based literary nonprofit Activating Reading Communities Organization (ARCO) and the Latino Cultural Center present Latino Poetry: Places We Call Home—A Dallas Celebration, a two-day event honoring Latino voices through poetry, dance, and art.
Chicago Public Library hosts musical performances and readings in an event moderated by editor, Rigoberto González at their Central Branch.
Brooklyn Public Library and the Clemente Center host an outdoor launch event with readings and performances at the BPL Central Branch and a featured panel at the Brooklyn Book Festival featuring Rigoberto González.
Nuestra Palabra hosts Houston voices immortalized in Latino Poetry: The Library of America Anthology. Volume editor Rigoberto González and local teen poets from the Kinder High School for the Performing and Visual Arts will also make appearances.
Los Angeles Public Library hosts outdoor celebration with music, readings, and dedicated altar at the opening of the Day of the Dead Festival.
Puerto Rico Foundation for the Humanities and Puerto Rico Center for the Book host a book presentation at Teatro Tapia in San Juan, a reading and discussion at University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez, and a poetry slam and reading at the annual Fiesta de las Humanidades in Isabela.
Miami Book Fair and Books and Books dedicate the closing day of the Book Fair to the Latino Poetry Anthology with a reading and conversation with anthology poets and a live music dance party.
Seventy-five libraries and cultural organizations across the nation received grants to host public programs as part of Latino Poetry: Places We Call Home. Check out the listings below for details on programs near you happening between September 2024 and April 2025.